Thursday, August 08, 2024

Mużika Mod Ieħor ma’ Toni Sant - 680

Toni Sant presents the 680th in a series of podcasts featuring music by performers in or from Malta. Artists featured in this podcast: 


  • Simon Sammut - Feel the Music
  • The Busker - Talking Back
  • One11 - Vera Top
  • Brian Farrugia - Aunt Sally (Stop the Abuse)
  • Neil Pantos - Waterfall


  • Capitol K - Beat the Heat (minn Xi Sħana ta' Joe James)
  • Capitol K - The Cockerel Calls (minn Filgħodu Kmieni ta' Qoton & The X-Bones)
  • Capitol K - Oblivious Find the Hidden (minn Niftakar Fik ta' The Followers)


Featured album: Naddatta by Cher Camilleri

 >> Details about this podcast [in Maltese]

See also:
- MMI Podcast: YouTube playlist
- MMI Podcast: Facebook Page
- MMI Archive on Mixcloud | @tonisant on Twitter
- M3P: Malta Music Memory Project
- Mużika Mod Ieħor ma' Toni Sant on Facebook
